Hiveswap game music
Hiveswap game music

hiveswap game music

Artifact Domination: The Heirloom Key is largely inanimate, but it causes Joey to be more forgetful or know things she thinks she shouldn't know when she tries to use it on anything.

hiveswap game music

Apologises a Lot: Xefros, to the point that Joey asks him to stop because it's kind of annoying.However, he and Joey do seem to be quite close. Annoying Younger Sibling: Jude appears like this at times towards Joey, who gets exasperated with his bizarre, nerdy obsessions and frequent paranoia.In return, the lusus allows Joey to ride on its back. After deducing the creature is following her because it's wounded, not aggressive, she uses a vet's kit to remove a thorn from its paw. Androcles' Lion: Joey is initially terrified of Dammek's lusus, a huge cat-like beast with deer's antlers, which she runs from every chance she gets.Anachronism Stew: Alternia has television and internet and guns, but some characters still use bows and swords.American Kirby Is Hardcore: Taken to extremes by Joey's poster for BLOCK HUSTLE, which depicts a block wearing a trenchcoat and holding a gun she comments that she could only find the American version of the poster.And her reason for destroying the neighborhood Xefros and Dammek live in and slaughtering its residents? No, not to crush the Rebellion, it was to get a good backdrop for a selfie. Alpha Bitch: The Heiress is shaping up to be this, considering she stole Cridea’s #LOLSHRIMP meme and claimed it as her own, on top of being the descendant of Her Imperious Bitchiness herself.All Your Base Are Belong to Us: In the beginning of the game, monsters overrun the Half-Harley Manor.Adorable Evil Minions: The monsters shown in the beginning are kind of cute, in an Ugly Cute way.

Hiveswap game music